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is proud to preserve the rich Mexican culture through traditional dance, music, and regional costuming. Joyas Mestizas has been performing in front of audiences in Western Washington since 1988. We are the Seattle area's first Mexican Folklorico Youth Group. We perform on a regular basis at a variety of events such as Folklife Festival, Fiestas Patrias, the Hispanic Seafair, and a wide variety of other community events and celebrations. Joyas Mestizas holds practices every Saturday from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.

Joyas Mestizas es un groupo de baile folklorico dedicado a preservar la rica cultural Mexicana a través de la danza tradicional, la música y el vestuario regional. Joyas Mestizas se ha presentado frente al público en el oeste de Washington desde 1988. Somos el primer grupo juvenil folclórico mexicano del área de Seattle. Actuamos regularmente en una variedad de eventos como Folklife Festival, Fiestas Patrias, Hispanic Seafair y una amplia variedad de otros eventos y celebraciones de la comunidad. Ofrecemos clases de Folklór Mexicano todos los sabados de las 10 a la 1:00.

Joyas Mestizas


Our Teachers


Luna Garcia

Luna started dancing with Joyas in 1992 at the age of 7. She has 3 other siblings, all of whom have danced with the group at one time or another. In 2007, she returned to the group as co-instructor. She is also currently an active member of Bailadores de Bronce


DeLeana Guerrero

DeLeana started dancing with Joyas as the age of 7. In 2007, she stepped in to assist as co-instructor of the group. Her daughter danced from 2007- 2015. DeLeana was a member of Bailadores de Bronce for 10+ years.

Thank you to our generous sponsors!

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