Demonstrate your company's support for youth arts and traditional Mexican culture with an annual contribution of $500 or more and receive key promotional benefits - sign up today!

Corporate Supporters of Joyas Mestizas receive benefits for the full calendar year! Benefits include:

  • Logo and link on our website:

  • Logo on annual Joyas Mestizas marketing postcard, distributed at performances

  • Quarterly acknowledgement in group social media posts and newsletters

  • Logo on parade banner used for summer parades

  • Opportunity to display or distribute materials in the Joyas Mestizas studio in Burien

  • Recognition at the Seattle Folklorico Festival, produced by Joyas Mestizas each summer

  • Priority access to additional sponsorship and promotional opportunities

  • Performance opportunities for Diamante Level Supporters! Please reach out for additional information!

  • Custom benefits upon requests - please share your ideas!

To become a Joyas Mestizas Corporate Supporter - sign up today!